Friday 7 August 2009

Forget the shuttle, take a Hermes chopper to the airport?

The white chopper with ribbons in the classic Hermes orange painted along the sides can carry four passengers and will operate up to 22 flights a day starting September 16.
The helicopter -- dubbed the "l'Helicoptere par Hermes" -- is the first Hermes chopper in Japan and is part of a fleet of Eurocopters to be used for the service.
The chopper service is between Akasaka and Sakura heliport near Narita with a limo to ferry people from there to the airport.
Of course, the ride doesn't come cheap: passengers will have to fork out 75,000 yen ($790) for a one-way ride-30 minutes.
"This service is for business executives who want to buy time," said spokeswoman Kyoko Morisawa. "But I'm afraid no food or drink services will be offered on board."($1 = 95.40 Yen).
Will this service having the Hermes brand really attract the clients and justify the price?

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